oNATURALMULTIVITAMINALTERNATIVE– Beef Liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods there is, containing high levels of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, Omega 3s, Choline, Biotin, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc, and More oGRASSFEDBEEFLIVER– Contains 100% grass fed desiccated beef liver for the healthiest product possible. oMADEINTHEUSA– Our Grass Fed Beef Liver supplement is manufactured in theUSAand all safety and purity testing occurs in theUSAas well.
Beef Liver is widely regarded as one of the most nutrient dense foods there is, containing high levels of many different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients yet it is not a popular food to eat due to the taste and texture that many people find to be unpleasant.
Double Wood solves this issue with our Grass Fed Desiccated Beef Liver capsules. With this daily supplement you can benefit from all the nutrition in beef liver without having to eat it as a meal. Beef Liver capsules make an ideal natural alternative to multivitamins. Beef Liver contains high levels of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, Omega 3s, Choline, Biotin, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, and Zinc.
*Claims are from the manufacturer and not Victress Health or wholesaler.
*Claims are from the manufacturer and not Victress Health or wholesaler.
Recommended Dosage
As a supplement we recommend taking between 2-4 capsules per day (1000 – 2000 mg dosage). Higher doses can be taken if desired, but aren’t necessary.
Side Effects
Grass Fed Beef Liver capsules are very well tolerated and side effects are highly unlikely when using them at recommended dosages. The biggest concern is that you could get too much of a specific vitamin or mineral by taking them at high doses or in combination with other supplements that provide the same nutrition, thus we don’t recommend taking more than six capsules per day.