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Zinc Picolinate

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 SUPPORTS IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH - Zinc is an essential mineral which is important to proper immune system function.
 SUPPORTS EYE AND CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH - Zinc supplementation can help support cardiovascular and eye health.
 SUPPORTS HEALTHY BLOOD GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT - Zinc has been shown to help support healthy blood glucose management.
 MANUFACTURED IN THE USA - Our Zinc Picolinate is manufactured right here in the U.S.A.


Zinc is an essential mineral which is used in countless bodily processes. While large amount of Zinc is not required to prevent deficiency, the body does not store Zinc and so deficiencies can quickly form in people who aren’t consistently getting a high enough intake from diet.

Zinc alone has very poor bioavailability so it is usually sold in a chelate form with it bonded to another molecule to improve uptake. Our Zinc Picolinate is a chelate of Zinc and Picolinic Acid which is one of the most bioavailable forms of Zinc and provides 10 mg of elemental Zinc per capsule which is slightly more than an average woman’s daily requirement (8 mg) and slightly less than an average man’s daily requirement. (11 mg).

Recommended Dosage

We recommend taking just one 50 mg capsule of Zinc Picolinate per day, as the 10 mg of elemental Zinc provided is enough to meet most people’s daily requirement and getting too much zinc can cause adverse side effects. For this reason we do not recommend exceeding the 50 mg recommended daily dosage.

Side Effects

Zinc is an essential mineral, so side effects are rare at normal doses. That said, it is easy to take in too much Zinc at which point side effects are likely. If you experience any of the following side effects its likely that your dosage is too high or you’re using it too often: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, stomach pain.

Zinc is often cycled as long-term supplementation can inhibit copper absorption. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of low copper, we recommend taking a few weeks off the Zinc and increasing your consumption of high copper foods such as shellfish, seeds, nuts, or organ meats.


 *Claims are from the manufacturer and not Victress Health or wholesaler.