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Looking for gut health supplements that can also boost your brain? Meet ProBrainBiotics – the doctor-developed psychobiotic that simultaneously supports your gut and brain health with two clinically studied strains of beneficial bacteria and 3 billion colony-forming units (CFUs).* Healthy Gut =...

OraMax Oral Probiotic


BRUSH. FLOSS. ORAMAX™ Research indicates that the oral microbiome is as essential to good health as the gut microbiome. Additionally, we now know that periodontal health and a vibrant oral microbiome promote cardiovascular health and systemic immune function. Therefore, practitioners...



GastroMend-HP™ is a blend of botanical extracts and micronutrients that support a healthy gastric microbial balance and help maintain a healthy gastric mucosa.* It features the gastric-supportive nutrients of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), zinc carnosine, mastic gum, and methylmethionine sulfonium. This...

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